CBD Auto White Widow
CBD Autoflower White Widow cannabis seeds
Are you not looking for a cannabis strain with the greatest high but rather want to find a pleasant balance? Then try the CBD Autoflower White Widow cannabis seeds. These seeds produce plants with buds that contain about 10% THC and 10% CBD. So you experience a balanced high and also have a nice plant to produce CBD oil, for example. All this makes the auto-flowering White Widow with above-average CBD percentages also an excellent medicinal weed.
Genetics CBD Autoflowering White Widow
White Widow is a popular cannabis strain of which several varieties are now available. The strain you can buy here is an autoflowering White Widow that has been crossed with the CBD-rich strain Sweet & Sour Widow. This has created a cannabis strain that is very rich in CBD. It has become an Indica-dominant strain that produces weed with THC and CBD in a ratio that is almost 1 to 1. This is ideal for anyone looking for a pleasant balance or medicinal weed.
Rich in CBD: especially for medicinal use
The CBD Autoflower White Widow is very suitable for medicinal use thanks to its high percentage of CBD. For example, you can make your own CBD oil from it. You can use that oil to reduce physical and/or mental problems. The THC content is medium, so if you want to experience a heavy high, there are many stronger strains available. Most home growers choose this variety to make their own CBD oil from or to benefit from its medicinal effects while smoking or vaping.
How to grow this cannabis strain?
Many (including novice) home growers report very easy results with CBD Autoflower White Widow. For example, the plants are highly resistant to mold and parasites. They are also suitable for indoor cultivation as well as outdoor or greenhouse use.
Since the plants will flower on their own, you also need to pay less attention to the right light schedule. So you will experience a lot of growing ease and can really go in any direction with this versatile and strong weed strain.
As a result, you will not have to pay as much attention to the right light schedule.
Size and shape
CBD Auto White Widow is a cannabis plant of modest size. Its shape also fits the classic image of an Indica or Indica-dominant strain: short and full. The average size is between a 0.5 to 1 meter. She is therefore also quite easy to keep in check indoors.
Already after about five weeks, the plants start flowering. This happens automatically because this variety is an autoflower. The flowering phase then lasts another seven or eight weeks or so. During that time, the plant will produce beautiful sticky buds with lots of resin.
Effect of CBD Autoflower White Widow
The effect of this cannabis strain is a good balance between mentally uplifting and physically relaxing. If regular weed gives you an agitated feeling this will be less of a problem with this variation of White Widow. This is of course due to the high percentages of CBD present in about the same ratio as THC. Please note that this weed is less suitable for daytime use, as it can make you a little too relaxed for that.
How does this plant smell and taste?
The Auto White Widow cannabis plants have quite a pungent smell. When you grow them indoors, good carbon filters are therefore not an unnecessary luxury.
When you only want to make CBD oil from the buds, the taste while smoking and vaping is of course of secondary importance. Still, many people will just want to smoke the weed. Then it's good to know that it tastes nice and spicy and floral, with fresh and a tad sour undertones.
Yield of CBD Auto White Widow
When conditions are right during an indoor grow, CBD Auto White Widow will easily reach yields of 150 grams per plant. Beginners will find that amount difficult to achieve, but even with little experience you can count on an attractive harvest because the plant requires so little attention at the base.
Tips for growing
You can easily grow Auto White Widow with extra high CBD with 20 hours of light per day. Since this is not a photoperiod strain but an autoflower, the plant will naturally enter the flowering phase. The strain is also suitable for more advanced growing techniques. For example, she will flourish in a SCROG situation. You can defoliate at the beginning of the flowering period to increase yield and make the chance of mold even smaller than it already is.